The Dangerous Illusion of “Potential”

How often do you find yourself spinning your wheels in relationships?

Where you invest immense effort, hoping to unlock the untapped “potential” of what could be, only to discover that it’s a one-sided endeavor.

This in my experience is not a foundation for growth.

In any relationship, there’s a natural ebb and flow, and it doesn’t always have to be a strict 50/50 exchange of energy. Sometimes, giving more is appropriate, and other times, receiving takes precedence. The key lies in discernment.

Ask yourself -

Are you nurturing relationships where positive influence flows both ways, leading to mutual growth? Are you in partnerships where, despite challenges, respect and the shared desire for improvement fuel your efforts?

If so, you’re on the right track towards shared progress and you should keep investing.

Or are you caught in relationships where your investment in ‘potential’ remains unfulfilled? Are you pouring time and effort into something you hope will change, without an equal effort or desire to make that same choice from the other party?

Your influence in any relationship will thrive where there’s substance, but where it’s lacking, you’re merely feeding an illusion.

So, where are you wasting your valuable time and energy on the illusion of “potential”?


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Forget then. Who are you now?